School Readiness




School Readiness child care funding is available to eligible families to assist them in obtaining affordable, high quality child care. Children are eligible from birth through 12 years of age.

If you and your family meet the below eligibility criteria, you may qualify for child care funding either through a referring agency or by applying to our wait list:

  • Parents or guardians that receive cash assistance for the family or for the relative children
  • Children under Protective Services or in foster care – regardless of income
  • Families receiving assistance through Salvation Army, HOPE, Community Haven, Easter Seals, or Manatee Children’s Services Kinship Program
  • Children living in a low-income family where parent/guardian work or attend school at least 20 hours per week.

See income table below:

Maximum Allowable Family Income for
School Readiness Funding in Manatee County
# of Persons in Family Maximum Annual Income
2 $30,660
3 $38,730
4 $46,800
5 $54,870
6 $62,940
7 $71,010
8 $79,080
9 $87,150
10 $95,220


*If your annual gross income exceeds the amount listed on the chart, you may qualify for local Manatee County funding. Please contact the Family Services Team if you have additional questions regarding eligibility guidelines.

If you are interested in applying for School Readiness child care funding as a low-income family, please apply through our Family Portal.

All families receiving Child Care Resource and Referral services will be contacted to complete a voluntary survey to gauge your customer service experience with our office. All responses are
anonymous and confidential and will not affect your services.


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