STEAM Machine

“If You Can Dream It, You Can STEAM It!”



STEAM experiences involve connecting two or more teaching concepts from science, technology, engineeringart, and math and weaving them together into a lesson, explore station or challenge. STEAM education creates strong problem solvers and creative thinkers by asking children to question, imagine, plan, and create. Early experiences affect the development of the brain, which provides the foundation for all future learning, behavior, and health. Research shows that the sooner we support and encourage children’s curiosity about the world the more successful they become in all areas of learning as they continue to grow and learn. When involved in STEAM, children can exercise both sides of their brain at once, using the logical left side and the creative right side. Studies suggest that whole-brain decision-making leads to more effective outcomes in life! We bring the STEAM Machine to you! Using this knowledge, the goal of STEAM is to harness the power of play while promoting curiosity, exploration, planning, and creation! On the STEAM Machine, there is no such thing as failure, only the opportunity for more discovery!


What is VPK STEAM? 

Science: Understanding the world around them through exploration and discovery by first using their senses and reflexes. 

Technology: Understanding tools and machines and how they may be used to solve real-world problems. 

Engineering: Understanding of how simple tools and machines assist with solving problems or creating objects and structures. 

Art: Understanding how to express ideas and feelings, use words, manipulate tools and media, and solve problems. Children learn to express what they know, pursue their interests and abilities, and appreciate the contributions of others.

Math: Understanding number knowledge, patterns, size, shape awareness, and the relationship between objects and space.

 For More Information

Contact the ELC of Manatee County's Community Educational Initiatives Team
(941) 212-4996