School Readiness



Any legally operating child care provider or approved informal provider in Florida may be eligible to offer the Florida School Readiness program. If you are interested in contracting with the Early Learning Coalition, please contact our Provider Relations Department at (941) 757-2900 ext. 2300. All required documents, including the Contract, are located on our Provider Forms page.

School Readiness families are determined eligible by our Family Services staff and paperwork is provided to both the parent and provider. A provider should never accept children into their program without the required documentation. If you have questions regarding a child’s eligibility, please contact our Family Services Department at (941) 757-2900 ext. 2200.

Providers are responsible for collecting parent fees and overage charges from the parent on a regular basis. Families should be required to stay current as we can hold parents accountable only for parent fees within the most recent 30 day period. The Early Learning Coalition cannot hold parents accountable for monies owed outside of parent fees.

For more information about becoming a School Readiness provider in Manatee County, contact the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County’s Provider Relations Department at (941) 757-2900 ext.2300.

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