Sleep Baby Safely


From the moment they are born, babies count on their parents and other caregivers to keep them safe. It only takes one time for a baby to sleep in an unsafe place or position to be deadly. Babies need to be protected from suffocation when they are laid down to sleep – every night, every nap, and every time.

Sleep Baby Safely features local facts, direct messages, and easy-to-remember tips for parents, caregivers, and everyone caring for babies. The goal is to engage all touch points, from prenatal through baby’s first birthday, and to make safe sleep as widely accepted and practiced as car seats for infants.

The ABCs of Safe Sleep 

Don’t risk it! Learn the tips and facts to sleep babies safely — every night, every nap, and every time. 


Always put babies to sleep alone on their back in an empty crib with only a firm mattress and tight-fitting sheet.

Bring baby’s crib into parent’s room, and never lay baby to sleep on a soft surface like an adult bed, couch or air mattress.

Set an alarm and always return baby to crib after feeding. Breastfeed, if possible – it’s best for baby.



Safe Sleep Resources & Tips for Parents


Safe Sleep Do's & Don'ts

Infant Sleep Articles

What Does a Safe Sleep Environment Look Like?
English | Spanish

Sleep Baby Safely Checklist
English | Spanish

How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe:
AAP Policy Explained

Safer Products - View this website that allows families to check for safety complaints about a product before buying. Healthcare providers, families, and others can also report product-related injuries to the CPSC. 


If you need a safe sleep environment for your baby, please contact us at
(941) 757-2900 ext.2501 or

Sleep Baby Safely Provider Training

Sleep Baby Safely Training for child care providers is an essential educational session designed to actively engage participants with crucial information about preventing infant deaths caused by unsafe sleep environments. This comprehensive training will guide participants through local data, highlight vital safety tips, and present real-life scenarios to ensure providers acquire the skills needed to support co-workers and families with a clear, consistent message. By fostering a community-wide commitment, we can all play a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of our babies.

Sessions are held the last Tuesday of each month (excluding November & December)
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County

Sleep Baby Safely Provider Training

 Additional Information on Sleep Baby Safely

Sleep Baby Safely Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County
Prevent Needless Deaths

 For More Information

Contact the ELC of Manatee County's Community Educational Initiatives Team
(941) 212-4996



 Program created by the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County (JWB)