Provider Profiles
Provider profiles contain all relevant information pertaining to a child care provider: Name, address, license number, provider type, capacity, days and hours of operation and services offered. Also included in the provider's profile are the inspections from the last three years. Inspections with a red dot represent an inspection with a finding of non-compliance. Click here to access the profiles for each private and public school VPK provider in Manatee County and follow the directions below to search for a specific provider.
- Step 1- Enter a Zip Code, City, County, Full Address, Provider Name, or DCF License #
- Step 2- Click the search icon
- Step 3- Find the provider you are searching for and click the name of the provider
- Step 4- Review the provider detail information click the tab you wish to review
The following information, about each provider or center, is available upon request.
- Provider or School's Services
- Curriculum
- Instructor Credentials
- Readiness Rate
- Instructor-to-Student Ratio
For general questions or assistance locating a provider, please contact the Provider Relations Department at (941) 757-2913.