State of Florida Statewide School Readiness and Voluntary Prekindergarten Provider Contracts
The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County is responsible for monitoring both the Statewide School Readiness and the Voluntary Prekindergarten Provider Contract to ensure the programs are in compliance as set forth in Florida Statutes, state rules, county guidelines, and procedures of the ELC and Florida’s Division of Early Learning.
The ELC monitors contracted child care providers for compliance in all areas contained in the contracts. We require providers to comply with the terms and conditions as outlined in the program-specific contracts and corrective actions issued as a guide to achieving compliance. The ELC is responsible for monitoring the programs based on the state-approved monitoring tool, (DEL-SR20M), which is given to the provider at the time of the monitoring. Our Quality Initiative Department is also available to assist providers with technical assistance and best practice methods used to improve program quality and address corrective action plans. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action up to and including the termination of the SR or VPK contract for up to 5 years.
State of Florida Administrative Code - Voluntary Prekindergarten & School Readiness Program Defined
VPK Providers on Probation (POP) - Provider Improvement Process
Please visit DEL's VPK Provider Improvement Process to find information regarding providers on probation and the steps that must be taken to remain a Voluntary Prekindergarten provider.