Inclusion Services
The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County makes available services to providers to enhance staff’s knowledge and competence in serving children with disabilities or behavioral challenges. In addition, regularly scheduled provider trainings are offered pertaining to inclusion and classroom management strategies.
The ELC's Inclusion Specialist offers technical assistance and consultation regarding curriculum and teaching strategies, environmental adaptations, and challenging behavioral issues. The information provided pertains to the entire class, it is not an individualized service.
Please contact the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County's Inclusion Specialist at (941) 757-2900 ext. 2405 for further information regarding upcoming trainings or to set up a site visit.
Inclusion - Warm Line
Florida Statute 402.3018 mandates the provision of a toll-free number to provide assistance and consultation, specifically child care personnel, regarding the Inclusion of children with disabilities and special health care needs. This number is known as the “Warm Line” and is available to child care centers and family child care homes requesting information relating to the disability and special health care needs of the children they are serving.
Parents and providers in search of information about a child’s development can call the Warm Line and speak directly to the Inclusion Specialist about a child’s needs.
Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County Warm Line:
(941) 757-2900 ext. 2405
State of Florida Warm Line (toll-free):
(866) 357-3239
Useful Links
Evaluation Center/FDLRS (Affiliated with the Manatee County School District)
This center evaluates children between the ages of 3 and before they enter kindergarten.
This center evaluates children (starting at 5-years-old) who may have a social-emotional concern or a behavior challenge.
Department of Children and Families Child Care Training Information Center
This site offers a search of childcare providers, training resources, and licensing information.
Florida Children's Forum
The Forum is a private, not-for-profit organization committed to enhancing and improving the quality, affordability, and availability of child care and early education through an array of programs, services, and publications.
Early Steps
Early Steps serves Florida's infants and toddlers from birth to 36 months with a developmental delay or a condition that places them at risk for developmental delay. Sixteen contracted local Early Steps across the state coordinate with community agencies and other contracted providers for the delivery of needed supports and services.