Programs & Services for Providers
Child Care Resource and Referral
The Early Learning Coalition maintains a database of all Manatee County childcare providers. Families who contact us for provider information are given child care referrals that are customized to the criteria they submit. Results are generated based on family need and provider match criteria submitted...
School Readiness
Any legally operating child care provider or approved informal provider in Florida may be eligible to offer the Florida School Readiness program. If you are interested in contracting with the Early Learning Coalition, please contact our Provider Relations Department at (941) 757-2900 ext. 2300...
School Readiness and/or Voluntary Prekindergarten Statewide Provider Contracts
Attention School Readiness and/or VPK Providers!
All providers are required to complete and submit contracts and supporting documents through the online PROVIDER PORTAL for both School Readiness and VPK.
For general questions or assistance using the provider portal, please contact our Provider Relations Department at (941) 757-2900 ext. 2300.
Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK)
Interested in offering VPK at your center/school? If your program meets the following, you may be eligible to offer Voluntary Prekindergarten: Each private provider must be a licensed child care facility, a licensed family day care home (registered homes are not eligible), a licensed...
Child Health and Development
The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County works with child care providers to help with early detection of physical or learning challenges in a child's life. If any concerns are found, we aim to promote understanding between parents and providers of the condition and propose a course of action to...
Inclusion Services
Inclusion Services The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County makes available services to providers to enhance staff’s knowledge and competence in serving children with disabilities or behavioral challenges. In addition, regularly scheduled provider trainings are offered pertaining to inclusion...
Quality Initiatives and Education
Quality Initiatives & Education Nemours The Nemours Reading BrightStart! Program for Early Literacy Success (NRBS!) is a program dedicated to the prevention of reading failure in young children. Started in 2005 through the generous funding of the Nemours Foundation (a large pediatric health system),...
Contract Compliance
State of Florida Statewide School Readiness and Voluntary Prekindergarten Provider Contracts The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County is responsible for monitoring both the Statewide School Readiness and the Voluntary Prekindergarten Provider Contract to ensure the programs are in compliance...
Job Openings at Child Care Centers
Please note: If you would like to have an open position featured on our website, please contact the Communications Department at (941) 757-2911 or email with the position details. Upon approval, it may take 24 hours for your post to appear on the site. All entries...
Professional Associations
Manatee Chapter of FLAEYC The Manatee Chapter of FLAEYC is your local early childhood chapter of the Florida Association for the Education of Young Children (FLAEYC), which is affiliated with both the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Southern Early Childhood...
Professional Development
Programs & Services for Professional Development {widget:include:child_pages}
Provider Forms
SCHOOL READINESS HEALTH & SAFETY INSPECTIONS The State Board of Education has approved Rule 6M-4.620, Health and Safety Checklists, and Inspections. This rule requires at least one Health and Safety inspection annually for all child care providers that contract for School Readiness...
Provider Resources
Useful Links for Providers National Resources Child Care Aware SafeKids Worldwide Zero to Three National Institute of Child Health & Human Development National Association for the Education for Young Children (NAEYC) Senate House of Representatives Legislation Tracking Statewide...